It all began 15 years ago with Rasta.  As she was aging, she started to develop skin and allergy issues.  A trip to the vet taught us not everything in commercially available dog food (even the top shelf brands) is what’s natural and best for the canine body.  This veterinarian then taught me the basic recipe for what has become Sgt Pupper’s Doggy Dinners.  

Now, Sgt Pupper’s comes in three flavors, each densely packed with canine superfoods.  Every batch is taste tested by a human for done-ness and flavor.  It can be served cold, but many dogs don’t mind it warmed up a little.  Straight up or mixed with dry kibble, your dog will devour it.  Sgt Pupper’s is also a great option for dogs taking medication, dealing with dental issues, or just simply aging.